Jack (Zihan) Zhang



I'm a first-year CS PhD student at University of Washington advised by Prof. Adriana Schulz. [I'm moving to Brown University starting Fall 2025] My research interests include computer graphics, animation, deep learning, and applied topology. Before, I was an undergrad @ UChicago studying CS & Math, and a research assistant @ 3DL Lab led by Prof. Rana Hanocka.

I play (too much) tennis on my free time, and I also enjoy hiking, history (Chinese art history and Russian history in particular), and photography.


TEDi: Temporally-Entangled Diffusion for Long-Term Motion Synthesis Teaser Image

TEDi: Temporally-Entangled Diffusion for Long-Term Motion Synthesis

Zihan Zhang, Richard Liu, Kfir Aberman, Rana Hanocka


Paper Project Code
GANimator: Neural Motion Synthesis from a Single Sequence Teaser Image

GANimator: Neural Motion Synthesis from a Single Sequence

Peizhuo Li, Kfir Aberman, Zihan Zhang, Rana Hanocka, Olga Sorkine-Hornung


Paper Project Code
COVID-19 Tweets of Governors and Health Experts: Deaths, Masks, and The Economy Teaser Image

COVID-19 Tweets of Governors and Health Experts: Deaths, Masks, and The Economy

Tim Hua, Chris Kim, Zihan Zhang, Alex Lyford

Journal of Student Research 2021
